
- Founded in 1965 Classified as a small minority-owned business.
- Over 10,000 sq. ft. of Machine Shop, Assembly, QC, Engineering and Office Space.
- Quality System Registered to ISO 9001:2000.
- Original Manufacturer to US Armed Forces of Vibratech/Houdaille
Flutter & Shimmy Dampers, Inertial Reels, Charger Bolts,
- Equipped for modern design and manufacturing with CAD/CAM
programming/interfaces, CMM and CNC capabilities.
- Focus on high precision machine parts, critical components and assemblies.
- Full complement of Design engineering, Research & Development
and Proto-Typing services and support
- Programs and platforms parts provided for:
Boeing: CH-46, CH-47
Fairchild: A-10
Lockheed Martin: C-130A-J, F-16, Longbow Missile
McDonnell Douglas: A-4, F-4
Northrop Grumman: E2-C, F-14, S-2
Sikorsky: CH-53, UH-60, S-65, S-70, S-76